Anyone can shoot a lesbian scene, but to really make it hot and send it over the edge it takes a special kind of talent. Britney Foster is the perfect example of this. Born in Redlands, California, Britney got her start shooting hardcore porn in 2002. One year later, she stepped into the director's chair and started directing scenes and starring in them. With this kind of flexibility and creativity it's easy to see Britney continuing her work for a long time. Her best performances tend to be when she's dominating an inexperienced teen, as you can see from her sexy Hot and Mean scenes. Whether she's fucking or being fucked, Britney Foster is a joy to watch on screen.
Britney, the stepmom, seems to go out of her way to be cruel by refusing to respect Natalia's privacy, and embarrassing her in front of her friends. When Natalia has finally had enough, she goes to her father to complain. As usual, her father takes her stepmom's side, but promises to have a word with her anyway. So by night, Britney takes revenge on Natalia for being such a bratty little tattle tale at first opportunity.
Sophia has just hired Britney to clean her house. She is extremely strict and severe with Britney. Sophia keeps being very frisky with Britney and keeps touching Britney in very inappropriate ways that makes her feel uncomfortable. Sophia tells Britney she can have a pleasant work environment or horrible one. Finally Britney gives into Sophia and she lets her have her way with her.